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Care + Maintenance

General Maintenance

Loll furniture will not rot and requires no paint, stain or ongoing maintenance to keep its beautiful appearance. It is a good idea to occasionally inspect the furniture fastening to ensure bolts are not loosening. Daily expansion and contraction caused by heating and cooling can occasionally loosen hardware.

Watch the video below for more information on seasonal maintenance.

Furniture Cleaning

Most often, a simple hose-off will do the trick. If there is more dirt, a simple wet rag and natural spray cleaner should be sufficient. Microfiber towels also work great. If there is dirt embedded in the texture, use mild soap and water and a stiff but gentle-bristled brush. You can power wash your furniture if you like that sort of thing. If you find the natural surroundings are leaving your products continuously dirty, we do offer covers for the Lollygagger Collection and Adirondacks which can be a great preventative tactic.

Seasonal Storage

Not required! Our durable HDPE can be left out year round. Designed to weather all four seasons, there is no need to store or cover your furniture in the winter. Our only recommendation is if by chance you receive an abnormal amount of snow, like feet upon feet, to give your furniture a little relief and shovel some of that snow off of it.

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